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Suggest 30 Healthy and Beautiful Exercises in 30 Days

Writer: HC PubHC Pub

Are you looking to lose weight to prepare for Tet and take care of your health after greasy parties? Then immediately save the following 30 exercises.

Busy work and you do not have time to go to the gym, there are still other effective options to help you exercise at home. The following 30 exercises can help you get in shape and stay healthy. Come on let's get started!

The content in the article will review:

  1. 10 benefits of regular exercise

  2. What to prepare before exercising?

  3. 30 effective exercises in 30 days

  4. Note when exercising continuously every day

10 benefits of regular exercise

Regular exercise has many physical and mental health benefits, helping you to live longer. Let's learn more about the benefits of exercise.

1. Improve your mood

Modern daily life makes you often suffer from stress leading to impaired thinking ability, low work efficiency. Even with a high frequency of stress, you can develop chronic diseases such as heart disease and depression.

Exercise is an effective way to improve mood and deal with stress and anxiety. According to a study done on 24 women who have been diagnosed with depression, exercise helps you to release endorphins – hormones that make us feel happier and reduce stress.

2. Effective weight loss

Several studies suggest that lack of morning exercise is one of the main causes of weight gain and obesity. When dieting, the number of calories in your body will decrease, causing the metabolic rate to slow down, delaying weight loss. On the contrary, regular exercise helps increase metabolism, burn more calories and help you lose weight effectively.

In addition, studies have also shown that combining aerobic exercise with resistance training can maximize the reduction of body fat and maintain reasonable body weight.

3. Strong skeletal muscles

Morning exercise plays an important role in building and maintaining strong muscles and bones. Regular exercise helps release hormones that help burn more fat and strengthen muscles. Physical activities like lifting weights can stimulate muscle growth when combined with adequate protein intake.

4. Energy Boost

If the body is not full of energy, exercise is the most effective and scientific solution. Furthermore, exercise significantly increases energy levels for people with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and other serious illnesses such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis.

5. Reduce the risk of disease

People with serious and chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart failure ... can improve their health status with exercise habits. Regular exercise has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity, lower blood pressure, and blood fat levels. Conversely, lack of regular exercise can increase belly fat, increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, and even death.

6. Skincare

Exercise helps improve blood circulation, providing oxygen and nutrients needed to nourish the skin, anti-aging skin. In addition, it also works to speed up the healing of open wounds.

7. Good for the brain

Many studies show that regular exercise improves blood flow to the brain, enhances memory, increases life expectancy. Medical experts have also shown that exercise slows brain degeneration and reduces brain changes that help prevent Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

8. Help you sleep well

Research shows that people who exercise like walking, jogging, cycling 4 times a week have a maximum heart rate index of 75%, which helps them fall asleep easier, sleep better, sleep less during the day and wake up. more apples. After dinner, instead of sitting at home, we should go for a walk, which will help us fall asleep easily and sleep deeply.

9. Improve your sex life

Women who went for a 20-minute jog before watching a steamy movie increased their arousal levels by up to 150%. Exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system, making it easier for blood to enter the vaginal tissues as well as more lubrication.

10. Relieve Chronic Pain

The older you are, the more symptoms will appear such as back pain, bone pain in the whole body, shorter people, hunchback. Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men due to childbirth, sedentary lifestyle, nutritional factors, and diseases. Therefore, people should prevent osteoporosis as soon as possible with exercise.

What to prepare before exercising?

1. Make an exercise plan

You need to make a training plan according to a certain time limit, 3 months is the best time. Should not last for a whole year because then the spirit of practice will go downhill.

You don't have to split your workout time, but doing so can be huge for those with little patience. Use a small calendar and mark your workout days. That helps you save your practice and motivates you to try harder.

2. Set goals for each exercise

Exercise is a process and needs strategy, when deciding to start exercising, don't act hastily, be prepared mentally and other factors, set clear goals, today What subject to practice now, how long to practice, how many kg to lose. It is best to consult a professional to get a reasonable goal for your condition.

3. Supplement with nutritious food

If you have a healthy and scientific diet along with exercise, you don't need to worry about what to eat before exercising anymore. However, you can have a snack before exercise to increase the time of exercise and help build muscle more effectively if necessary. Specifically, nutritionists say that you should have a light snack and drink 450 to 550 ml of water about 1-2 hours before exercise. Some great snacks you can have include avocado toast and sliced ​​bananas, a mix of nuts and dried fruit, and raw veggies dipped in appetizer soup.

To make your workouts more effective, you need to avoid foods that are high in fat or fiber – these foods can make your stomach upset, take longer to provide energy, and feel sluggish and sluggish.

4. Invite friends to practice together

Having a partner to practice with is one of the best ways to cure laziness. Or if you don't have someone to practice with, share your progress with a few close friends, they can encourage you, or "punish" you for violating the above principles, also A way to help you take exercise more seriously.

5. Invest in exercise equipment

Not only must you prepare mentally when you start practicing, you also need to prepare a bag containing some necessary items such as drinking water, exercise equipment, exercise clothes, shower gel, shampoo, etc. along with some basic cosmetics to get ready for the appointment after the training session…

6. Warm-up body ready

Warming up will help reduce the risk of injury and soreness during exercise. You need to warm up your body specifically, your circulatory system will pump more oxygen-rich blood to your muscles. In addition, it also helps to increase the ability of blood circulation throughout the body gradually, not too suddenly, which can easily lead to dangerous side effects.

30 effective exercises in 30 days

Exercises for week 1

1. Wide-Grip Push-Up – Basic push-ups

Push-ups are one of the most basic movements of exercise. This is the best home exercise to improve health for your breasts.

Start in a position with 2 hands on the floor, palms facing forward, straighten your legs and rest on your toes and hands. Slowly lower your body down, until your chest almost touches the floor, hold for 1 second and push your body back up.

Inhale when lowering, and exhale when pushing up. Do 3 sets of 10 times each.

2. Surrender Squat – Squat “surrendering”

Instructions for performing the Surrender Squat:

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands above your head, elbows out to the sides. Lower your body down into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor.

Lower your knees to the floor into the kneeling surrender position you see in movies.

Step right foot forward, bend knee 90 degrees, left foot similar, and return to the squat position.

3. Superman – Superman Exercises

Instructions for performing Superman moves:

Lie face down on the floor or on an exercise mat. Hands pressed together, stretched in front of the body. Feet narrower than hips, straight back, toes touching the mat.

Squeeze your glutes and begin to lift your arms, legs, and chest off the floor, tensing for about 2 seconds.

Slowly lower your arms, legs, and chest to the starting position and inhale.

4. Single-Leg V-Up – Crunches toes toes

Instructions for performing the Single-Leg V-Up move:

First, lie on your back on the floor, arms extended overhead, palms facing up. Raise your left leg perpendicular to the floor.

Pull up and bring your right hand to touch the left toe. Return to the starting position and repeat for another 10-15 seconds, then switch legs.

5. Switch Jump – Climbing moves

Instructions for performing the Switch Jump move:

Start in a push-up position with your hands under your shoulders and your back straight.

Pull the left knee up just behind the left elbow. And put it back in place. Immediately pull the right knee up and bring it back to the original position.

Perform alternating legs as quickly as possible.

6. Forest Crossover Push-Up – Cross-arm push-ups

Instructions for performing the Forest Crossover Push-Up move:

Start in a push-up position with your arms crossed, legs straight, and shoulder-width apart.

Lower yourself down until your elbows touch the floor.

Return to the original position and repeat the movement.

7. Lunge Kick – Slow down and kick high

Instructions for performing the Lunge Kick movement:

First, you stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart and your arms holding a distance in front of your chest. Take a long step back with your right foot, and lower your left knee so that your thigh is parallel to the floor.

Stand up straight while pulling your right foot up to kick forward as high as possible. Step right foot back and do another 15 seconds.

Exercises for week 2

8. Bent-Over Reverse Fly

Instructions for performing the Bent-Over Reverse Fly move:

First, you should bend forward and almost parallel to the floor. If you're training with weights, pay attention to arm flex. This curvature does not change throughout the exercise.

Slowly extend your arms out to the sides parallel to the floor. Slowly lower back to the starting position.

9. Flutter Kicks – Lie down kicking scissor legs

Instructions for performing Flutter Kicks:

Lie on your back, legs straight, arms pressed close to the body.

Keep your hands behind your neck, at the same time raise your legs, tighten your abs, and alternate movements as if you were walking.

Remember to keep your back and legs straight, and your abdominal muscles tight throughout the exercise.

10. Squat-Jump-Punch – Squat jump

You get into the normal Squat position and start the Squat down.

That's strong, jump as high as possible, pay attention to using heel force instead of toes.

Land on your toes and immediately return to the squat position.

11. Single-Arm Push-Up – Push up against the wall

Instructions for performing the Single-Arm Push-Up movement:

Stand about 1 foot away from the wall, place both hands on the wall parallel to the floor.

Push your body forward so that your head is close to the wall, pushing your body back to the starting position.

12. Isometric Squat

Instructions for performing the Isometric Squat:

Stand up straight with feet hip-width apart, hands along your body. Begin Squat down and clasp hands in front of the chest.

Hold the Suqta position and bring your left foot to the side, toes touching the floor. Then return to the original position and switch sides.

13. Reverse Plank-Up – Plank reverse

Instructions for performing the Reverse Plank-Up movement:

Get into a sitting position with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands behind your hips with your fingers pointing forward in the direction of your toes.

Exhale and bring the soles of your feet to the ground while pressing your hands into the floor, begin to raise your hips. Push the shoulder blades toward your back to help lift your chest. Firmly hold the backs of your legs and press the soles of your feet into the ground. If possible, straighten and press your toes to the floor.

You can gently drop your head back if you feel comfortable.

Hold the pose for a few breaths and then sit down, exhaling.

14. Side Plank with a Twist – Plank tilts and twists

The tilting plank exercise is one of the exercises to lose belly fat quickly that has defeated many people because it is quite difficult.

Get into a right-side position, resting on your right arm and outside of your right leg.

Lift your hips to burn so but to burn that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. 2 legs straightened perpendicularly to the floor.

Twist down towards the floor, remember to squeeze your abs and exhale, hold for 1 second in the lowest position.

Slowly return to the starting position, repeat 7 more times, then switch sides.

Exercises for week 3 butto burn

15. Burpee – Combination exercise

Burpee – is a cardio exercise to reduce body fat quickly. You can learn more about effective and healthy Cardio exercises.

Stand up straight with feet hip-width apart and arms. Next, jump as high as you can and land on your toes.

Then, you immediately lower your body, touch your hands to the floor, and bounce your legs back into a push-up position;

Do one push-up and quickly jump your legs up into a squat and jump up again. Go back to doing the exercise at the beginning.

16. Triceps Push-Up – Diamond push-ups but

Instructions for performing the Triceps Push-Up movement:

The two hands are on the carpet, the thumb and index finger of the two hands touching each other like a quadrilateral diamond. Feet shoulder-width apart. Toes touch the floor.

Inhale, bend your elbows to lower your torso almost touching the floor. Exhale, return to the original position.

17. Around-the-World Lunge

Instructions for performing the Around-the-World Lunge move:

Stand with your left leg bent forward, left thigh perpendicular to the floor.

Stand up straight with your left foot still in position.

Rotate to the right 90 degrees.

Bend both feet down and straighten up at the same time.

Turn for another 0 degrees and lower your right leg.

Do the opposite of the action.

18. Air Pull-Up – Imaginary pull-ups

Instructions for performing the Air Pull-Up movement:

Stand up straight, arms folded up 90 degrees into a pose showing off your muscles.

Bring your hands up and down like when you pull up the bar, your feet still on the floor.

19. Body Saw – Plank saw scissors

Instructions for performing the Body Saw movement:

From a static push-up position, place your feet on two towels so that you can slide.

Use your forearms to slide your body forward and backward with a distance of 30 cm. Practice from 2 to 4 sets, 10 times each set.

20. Run and Sprawl – Run high legs in place and crawl

Run in place with your knees raised, hands also running with each step running in place of your legs, then loosen your hands and feet, jump back to the starting position and lower your body to the floor.

Then quickly get up and immediately do a second run, alternating each run lasting 30 seconds.

21. Push-up Press – Push up combined with hand push

From the push-up position, perform 1 push-up.

When coming up quickly switch to a kneeling position and raise your arms above your head.

Exercises for week 4

22. Goddess Squat Jump

Stand with your feet extended to the outside, arms by your sides. Squat until your butt is hovering over your heels, hands clasped together in front of your chest to begin.

Jump as high as you can, landing to return to the starting position.

23. Plank Bird Dog

Instructions for performing the Plank Bird Dog movement:

Start in a plank position, right leg lifted straight up.

While maintaining balance, continue to lift your left hand off the floor and keep your arm straight forward with your palm facing down.

Return to starting position and switch sides, then repeat.

24. Side-to-Side Crunch

Instructions for performing the Side-to-Side Crunch move:

Sit on the floor with legs extended, palms pressed into the floor behind hips with fingers facing forward. Lift your legs straight to the floor, bend your elbows, and place them on your tailbone. Do not move your torso and bend your knees toward your chest.

Extend your legs, pointing straight to the left. Return to start, then point your leg straight to the right and you're done

25. Surfies

Start in a standing position, feet wide apart, hands by your sides, bend over, hands on the floor, feet in a plank position.

Lower yourself to the floor, then bounce, jumping up so that your arms and legs are staggered, facing forward, knees and elbows bent for balance.

Jump up, press your knees towards your chest and bring your palms above your knees, then gently stand up and repeat.

26. Crouching Tiger Push-Up

Instructions for performing the Crouching Tiger Push-Up move:

Start in a position where your hands are wider than your shoulders, your chest is lower towards the floor, and your hands are on the floor.

Bend knees and hips so that they are 2 inches apart, arms extended.

Raise hips, then press into tailbone and spine, then return to plank position.

27. Side-Lunge to Tuck Jump

Stand with your feet wide apart, arms by your sides. Turn to the right and step forward with the right foot, twirling on left foot, right leg extended forward, right knee bent, and left leg straight.

Jump with your right foot and try to jump as high as you can so that your knees are at chest height, then gently lower to the ground. Switch sides and repeat.

28. Good Morning

Instructions for performing the Good Morning movement:

Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width. Put your hands behind your head, keep your body stationary, body upright.

Bend forward at your hips, lowering your torso until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings or until your back is parallel to the ground. Raise the person to return to the original position.

Attention: The movement needs to come from the hips, squeeze the buttocks from the beginning.

29. Forearm Spider Plank

Instructions for performing the Forest Spider Plank move:

Start in a forearm plank position, balancing your body on your forearms, palms, and toes.

Keeping hip and right knee bent toward right triceps. Return to the original plank position. Switch sides and repeat.

30. Single-Leg Burpee

Instructions for performing the Single-Leg Burpee move:

Lower your body like a squat. Place your hands on the floor, in front of your feet.

Jump with your feet up, but only let one foot touch the floor.

Then, bring both feet back behind the hands on the floor, then jump again, do with each leg for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.

Note when exercising continuously every day

1. High-intensity exercise leads to weight loss

Thanks to the body's built-in defense mechanisms, overtraining can cause weight imbalances such as weight loss or excessive weight gain (not related to muscle mass gain). Therefore, you should not exercise too much with high intensity for a long time because it can make your body exhausted.

Exercise will affect the calorie content of the body, this is also known as energy expenditure. However, more exercise does not mean more calories burned. People who exercise moderately will burn a small number of extra calories per day, averaging about 200 calories more than those who are inactive. But for those who exercised more than average, did not see any effect, even though they had doubled their training efforts with the aim of burning calories.

Although scientific research doesn't specify or specify how often "moderate" exercise is, researchers have also shown that moderate exercisers are those who engage in physical activities, such as Hike every day, or go to work by bike, often.

2. Emotional disturbance

Science has shown that exercise can act as a mild antidepressant, improving mood and making the body feel better. However, too much exercise will cause the opposite effects such as anxiety about the training schedule or depression due to chronic exhaustion.

3. Increase appetite

The more you exercise, the more energy your body has to use to maintain its ability to work, and eventually you will always be in a state of hunger. Some women think that cutting back on their cardio will make them gain weight, but that's not entirely true. This is because hunger often decreases with exercise, so you will not feel really hungry as much as usual.

4. Always feel tired and lack energy

We all enjoy the feeling of the body bursting with energy after a great workout, right? However, exercising more does not mean burning more niacinamide energy. If exercises leave you feeling exhausted for a long time or your body falls into a state of fatigue and aches and pains make it difficult to move, you are probably overtraining. So you should pay attention to your body and come up with a more suitable exercise plan.

5. Excessive exercise affects menstruation

The time before and during your period will probably make you feel uncomfortable. But this is a sign of your ability to have children. On the contrary, the absence of a period indicates that the body is experiencing many troubling changes, especially if the condition persists for more than 3 months. In addition, the drop in estrogen caused by overtraining can also cause premature osteoporosis, making you weak and more susceptible to injury.

6. Insomnia due to too much physical activity

The fact that you suddenly feel the need to sleep more or can't sleep despite feeling tired are all indications of the negative effects of overdoing the exercise.

7. Exercising too often will make the body exhausted

The most important thing for everyone is to have a balance in life. We all have limitations in terms of time, energy, money, and physical conditions. Putting all your energy into exercise can leave you exhausted. It's better to stick to a program that's healthy and aligns with your progress and goals, and don't squander all your energy only to give up after a month.

We have completed the 30-day challenge of changing body training with effective exercises. You should do it regularly every week to gain health benefits and change your body shape.

Introducing Successful Weight Loss

Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about weight loss resolution basics, use walks, use fruits rich in vitamin c, switch out trans fats for healthier fats, reprogram your mind about portion sizes, change your mind about salt and use fresh herbs, change your view about whole grains, don`t forget water, use affirmations to stay on course and the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.


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