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10 The best back exercises at home without weights

For your back health, perform daily back exercises. You only need 10-15 minutes a day to do this and the benefits will be huge compared to this time.

The monotonous way of life often leads to back pain. This article will present the most effective back exercises at home with or without equipment for all ages. You only need 10 minutes of daily practice and you will never have back problems again. Take these exercises seriously for the health of your back.

When you do not have time for the gym or the weather conditions do not allow you to go out, this set of exercises for the back at home will be useful, which you will be able to do any day at any time. You need to do these exercises first and foremost for your health. Often in the pursuit of muscle or other sports trophies, we forget the major benefit for which we have to do sports.

If you are not healthy, then a fit body or 1st place in the championship is useless. These trophies are just the moment, they are ambitions and their health is for life.

Wondering how to get a stronger back? Then back exercises are the solution. The next 10 exercises with your body weight will give you a great workout at home. The good news is that for most of them you don't need any sports equipment to run them, all you need is your own body weight.

Why do back exercises?

In 2019 I had a period when I had back pain and I even went to the doctor. I couldn't believe that I, who have always practiced sports, ended up in such a situation.

The truth is that so-called comfortable jobs and all sorts of super orthopedic chairs are not always what they seem.

I had a job at the time and sat in the chair for at least 8 hours. I worked alone in a huge office and I had little reason to leave office. After about 8 months of such a diet I ended up having back pain and in general my condition was not the best.

I really thought it was something more serious. I went to the doctor and he told me I had nothing serious. They directed me to a ward where I followed a small recovery program that included various electrostimulation procedures + back exercises that can be done at home.

After this incident, I started to change my perception of what sport means and where we should focus when doing certain exercises.

Being big and strong is attractive and motivating, but what will it be like if you don't have the health you want?

Back home workouts are a convenient way to gain the muscles you want to achieve your goal.

And don't forget to pace yourself and think about how you breathe when you add these bodyweight exercises to your exercise routine. Take care of your body and it will serve you well. Let's begin!

The importance of warming up before doing back exercises.

It is necessary to warm up slightly before moving on to back exercises. You can start with a separate neck warm-up, arm rotations, and then go down to the pelvis.

A good exercise is also to rotate the pelvis in both directions. You can also swing to the right or left. Towards the end, you have to reach forward bends and slow backward bends.

This heating must be done each time before moving on to something more complex. You have to be slow, feel every muscle, joint, and wrist. It may be difficult at first, but with practice, you will get to know your body better and why it is in good condition.

The best home back exercises without equipment.

There are several types of exercises. Thus we can have static exercises and dynamic exercises. Both are effective and can be used to strengthen the muscles of the back and the whole body.

In general, bodyweight exercises often require a lot of basic stability. To develop this basic stability, the abdomen and back must learn to work together. Because one cannot develop without another.


As the name suggests, this exercise "Superman" is intended for the preparation of the whole body. If you want to get rid of low back pain or straighten your back, then this is one of the most effective ways.

It is necessary to sit face down, to stretch your hands before moving them away from the ground. The legs are also stretched and removed as far as possible from the ground, at the same time they do not bend from the knees.

Try to raise your legs and hands as high as possible, forming an arch. Hold for 2-3 seconds in this position, then slowly lower them to the starting position.

If you are looking for back exercises then you need to start with it. It will help you lay the groundwork for other superman-based exercises.

Plank exercise

Starting position:

Lie on your stomach. Bend your elbows directly under your shoulders and place your forearms on the floor. Extend your legs and leave your feet on the floor.

How to do the exercise:

Lift your hips and thighs off the floor until your body is parallel to the floor. Lift your pelvis and make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Do not allow the lower back (lumbar region) to sag or lift. The small plank is one of the most popular back exercises.

High plank exercise

This exercise is similar to floating. Maintain the raised position exactly as in the float position.

Starting position:

Get up on all fours. Place your hands shoulder-width apart under your shoulders. Keep your elbows slightly bent.

How to do the exercise:

Extend your legs and leave your feet on the floor. Your body should be diagonally on the floor. Lift your pelvis and make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Remove the pelvis and make sure the back is flat. Do not allow the lower back (lumbar region) to sag or lift. The high plank is one of the most effective back exercises.

The bridge.

Starting position:

Lie on your back and rest your head on the floor. Bend your knees so that your heels are directly below your knees. Keep your arms outstretched with your palms facing down.

How to do the exercise:

Remove the pelvis to secure a flat back (lumbar region). Raise your hips to the ceiling until they are fully extended and hold this position for 10 seconds while tightening your gluteal muscles. Then lower your hips without touching the floor - and repeat the exercise. The bridge is part of not only the back exercises but also the buttocks.

Lifting of the lower and upper limbs

Starting position:

Get up on all fours. Place your hands shoulder-width apart under your shoulders. Gently bend your elbows and place your knees directly under your hips. Your body should be parallel to the floor. Make sure your body forms a straight line from head to buttocks.

How to do the exercise:

Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back, while keeping your back straight. Hold this position for 3-10 seconds and then lower your back to begin. Repeat for the other side.

Lifting the lower and upper limbs is one of the most important exercises for the back.


Starting position:

Get up on all fours. Place your hands shoulder-width apart under your shoulders. Bend your elbows slightly. Extend your legs and leave your feet on the floor. Lift your pelvis and make sure your body forms a straight line from head to toe.

How to do the exercise:

Lower your upper body and hips simultaneously. Make sure you involve your pelvis with the whole movement. Keep your elbows close to your body. Inhale as you descend and exhale as you rise.

Plank with hand rotation

Starting position:

Take the position of the board sitting on your hands, with your legs slightly apart. The body forms a straight line, the lower back does not bend, the abdomen is tight.

How to do the exercise:

Lift a palm off the floor and make a circular motion with your right arm. Return to starting position. Then do the same with the other hand. Repeat 10-12 times for each arm, 2-3 sets.

Plank with his hands raised in front

Starting position:

He descends in a plank on his forearms, his legs slightly apart. Following the position of the body, it should form a straight line from the legs to the head.

How to do the exercise:

Lift a hand off the floor and extend it forward. Hold it for a few seconds and lower your forearm to the floor. Then extend the other hand forward in the same way. Repeat 10-12 times for each arm, 2-3 sets.

The best back exercises with equipment - more strength and muscle mass.

If you have come to this site and are interested in increasing your muscle mass, then here is a list of the best exercises you can do.

If you want to increase muscle mass, you need extra weight and equipment. To do these back exercises at home you need to equip yourself with some basic equipment. It's a lifelong investment.


Traction is an effective exercise for back training. Its advantage is that it helps to increase in width and to develop muscle mass.

Fixed bar traction can be performed in 3 basic variations:

  • traction with normal grip

  • narrow traction

  • wide traction.

To perform this exercise you need to grab the bar and start pulling up slowly. It is important that both hands work the same way. You pull until your chin is under the bar.

After lifting you need to return to the starting position by light exhalation while the movement is slow and the hands are just as tense.

Lifting shoulders with dumbbells Left with dumbbells.

Dumbbells are fitness accessories that allow us to expand the possibilities we have when we train only with our body weight.

These allow us to generate more back exercises if we want to grow muscle mass.

The simplest exercise for backs with dumbbells is to lift them from a standing position. The body is in a normal upright position while you have a dumbbell in both hands. It is important to choose the optimal weight for your strength and weight. I recommend using small weights, but doing a lot of repetitions for back health.

Exercises with elastic bands.

With the help of elastic bands, we can train not only endurance but also do effective back exercises that have a low risk of injury. I would always prefer exercises with elastic bands and less with weights.

Exercises for back pain

Back pain is a common problem for adults. I had a period when I also had this problem and the doctors recommended exercises for my back pain.

Of course, first of all, it is good to consult a doctor. Exercises for back pain presented will help you not to end up in this situation and I am not medical.

Here is a set of exercises for back pain that you can do every day.

Keep in mind that these back pain exercises are slow and can be used as stretching exercises before or after strength training or cardio.

4 Back dumbbell exercises.

Many of those who read this blog practice at the gym. For them, I will include a set of back exercises with dumbbells. Of course, these can be practiced by anyone at home. If you are wondering why to do back exercises with dumbbells, then the answer is relatively simple: extra weights will help you increase muscle mass more effectively.

Here are some dumbbell back exercises.

It is important that when choosing shoulder exercises with dumbbells you choose the right weight. This will reduce the risk of injury.

# 1 Ramat with dumbbell: 3 sets x 12 reps

I often do these kettlebell exercises at home. To do this you need support, such as a chair or the edge of the bed in case you train at home.

# 2 Ramat with dumbbell both arms: 3 sets x 10 reps

This dumbbell back exercise is similar to the previous one except you need to have 2 identical dumbbells. It also aims to increase the muscle mass of the back.

# 3 Side lifts with dumbbells : 3 sets x 10 reps

This dumbbell back exercise will help you have strong shoulders. It is an isolation exercise and helps to strengthen the whole shoulder complex.

# 4 Shoulder lifts with dumbbells : 3 sets x 10 - 12 reps

This exercise for dumbbell shoulders is done by lifting the dumbbells as high as possible from the standing position. The advantage is that it puts little stress on the shoulder joints and can be performed with a low risk of injury.

Women's back exercises.

Exercise set to relieve back pain. Stretching and training. Body relaxation. Workout in the gym. Isolated vector illustration in cartoon style

All the exercises presented above are also suitable for women, especially the exercises with body weight. Here are the top women's back exercises I recommend:

  • classic floats (you can do on your knees)

  • reverse floats

  • plank-based back exercises

  • both arms with a dumbbell

  • side lifts with dumbbells

When it comes to the back, women usually do toning and maintaining exercises. That's why the set of exercises for women's back is done with bodyweight or light weights.

To remember!

Performing back exercises in itself does not differ between if you want to gain muscle mass and if you want to burn more fat or have a more defined and toned body.

The difference comes from the way you use back exercises: how you organize them in the training program, how many you do, how many sets and repetitions you use, how fast you perform them, how much rest you rest between periods of effort, etc.

All these variables will influence the stimulus on the development of muscle mass, respectively the number of calories burned and therefore the impact on fat burning.

For your back health, perform daily back exercises. You only need 10-15 minutes a day to do this and the benefits will be huge compared to this time.

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