Fat around the abdomen gives many people headaches, regardless of age. Each of us wants a flat abdomen, especially in the hot seasons, when we want to highlight it in the most beautiful way. However, going to the gym and/or hiring a personal trainer may be a less inspiring choice, especially when you don't have much time. Fortunately, there are exercises specifically designed to help you lose extra pounds, right in the problem area. Stay with us and discover in the following lines which are the best exercises for losing belly weight!
1. Repeated push-ups with an arm lift to lose weight
Despite the fact that the largest percentage of fat reduction around the abdomen is attributed to nutrition, physical training gives us the motivation to stay connected to the main goal. Flotation contributes both to the toning of the arm muscles and to the decrease in belly fat. For increased efficiency, we recommend that you lift one arm alternately. Thus, the abdominal muscles will contract, giving you the long-awaited result.
Specialists recommend that this exercise be performed in 3 sets of 20 repetitions, with a break between them.

2. Keeping the body plank
Many of us are looking for abdominal exercises to get rid of the belly, especially after the holidays with hearty meals or before going to the beach. Among the most effective physical workouts is the plank (or in the literature, plank exercises ), in which the body maintains the same position within a minute. Even though it seems to be extremely easy, practitioners know what a single minute of training entails.
When undertaken, the board manages to actively work several areas of the body, namely:
The abdomen - the abdominal muscles are constantly contracted, as the position of the body must remain fixed;
Arms - during exercise, the entire weight of the body is supported by the legs and arms;
Thighs - every time the training involves the alternative lifting of the leg;
The posterior ;
Lumbar area - has the role of supporting the entire movement.

The board is recognized among specialists in the field as one of the most effective exercises, which must be introduced at the end of any workout - fitness, cardio, and/or functional training. For this exercise, you need a fitness mattress.
3. Mountain Climber - the effective climber exercise for slimming the belly!
No matter how simple certain physical exercises maybe, they can be accessorized at any time in such a way as to have the expected efficiency. Among the best exercises for losing belly, weight is Mountain Climber, identified among connoisseurs and as the exercise of the climber or climber, which we talked about in this article.
To achieve this, you do not need specialized fitness equipment, but only a fitness mattress. The starting position is the plank position, in which you will sit for a few seconds. Later, the trainer will lift, one by one, one foot from the floor. During all this time, he will have to keep his balance on the leg left on the floor, until the raised one reaches back on the mattress. The foot on the floor should be raised in the same way, in a complex and dynamic manner.

Mountain Climber is an extremely effective workout to get rid of unwanted belly fat, with noticeable results in just a few days.
4. Russian Twists - trunk twists
Russian Twists is another really effective exercise for a flat, fat-free abdomen. The equipment needed is not numerous - you need a fitness mattress, along with a medicine ball or a weight. If necessary, you can give up this accessory and use only the palms together. Torso rotations should be performed with the back straight throughout the workout. In addition, make sure that the movement is done from the ribs and not from the arms.

5. Short abdomen - Crunch
For years, the abdomen has been one of the most effective and used exercises to get rid of the belly. If you have done any physical training during your life, it is very possible that you have had short abdominals, also known as crunch. They focus on the abdominal muscles, but without exerting pressure on the lumbar area.

To achieve short abdomens correctly, you will need to partially lift the upper torso, but not completely, as in the case of full abs. Specialists recommend performing 3 sets of 30 repetitions, with a short break between them.