The main secret is in proper nutrition, followed by weight loss exercises

Are you looking for weight loss exercises? You're in the right place. In this article, you will find out which are the TOP 10 exercises that will help you lose weight and tone your body. There are many exercises to lose weight but only some of them are really effective.
Below you will find a series of exercises that help me maintain an almost constant weight since 2006. My weight for a period of over 10 years is 74 kg minimum and 77 kg maximum for a height of 180 cm. Don't think that metabolism or genetics is the cause. It's not that happy case.
What is my secret and what do I think about weight loss exercises you will find out below.
If you do not want to go to a gym where you feel short of breath but you want to train at all costs, I suggest you try this simple set of weight loss exercises that you can do at home or even outdoors.
The weight loss exercises I suggest are suitable for any situation, whether you are walking in the park, in the woods or on the street - running through the concrete jungle of the city, you will do exercises on the bench in front of the house or on the grass. Personally, I would prefer to do outdoor workouts if the weather allows it.
Important :
Remember to warm up your body before each workout, especially before doing strength training.
What does the ideal weight loss exercise look like?
You may be surprised, but exercise has a secondary effect when it comes to weight loss.
Before switching to weight loss exercises, make sure you have a proper diet. None of these exercises can help you if you use high-calorie products in your diet.
Weight loss exercises
You need to keep in mind that nutrition is more important than any weight loss exercise. They act as a toner and less to burn calories because you have to train for long periods of time to be able to burn the accumulated excess calories.
Exercises for weight loss generally have the role of burning calories and burning fat into muscle. When you decide to do these exercises you must make sure that you do not have excess calories.
The best exercises for weight loss are those that are performed with bodyweight and a maximum number of repetitions can be performed.
Below is a list of top exercises that I recommend if you want to lose weight.
The first criterion for maintaining my optimal weight is a selective diet and I eat whole grains most of the time. About how to eat healthily and correctly see the correct nutrition section here.
The second criterion that helps me maintain myself is regular training all these years. Even if I didn't go to a gym and didn't aim to develop a muscular body, I always received compliments that I look very good.
What's the secret?
Exercises with bodyweight, a large number of repetitions, and most importantly: constant intensity and training.
No weight loss exercise can help you lose weight.
I had periods when I did 5 workouts 2 hours a week. Those 2 hours meant intensive training without breaks and some relief.
I don't like this, but unfortunately, there is no other solution. He didn't even try to find alternative solutions with all kinds of pills and magic solutions. These things will have a temporary effect and you will soon be in an even worse situation.
Here are the exercises that I practice most of the time and that I will not change all my life.
Yes, You Can Lose Weight Without Diet or Exercise- Click Here
Weight loss exercises for beginners at home.
Knee bends.
Kneeling along with floats are universal exercises that can be performed in a wide range of variations regardless of age or degree of preparation. Using only knee bends without extra weight you can develop both muscle strength and elasticity. You can do simple knee bends, with jumps or in one leg.
Kneeling is also a perfect exercise for slimming the legs and buttocks. The advantage is that it does not require equipment and can be done at home, outside, or at the gym.

Classic floats.
Classic floats remain a basic exercise for weight loss and muscle growth for every athlete. Regardless of the type of sport you play, they can be used in your training program.
Floats can be of different types using bodyweight or inserting extra weights on the back or elastic bands. They can be used effectively as exercises for weight loss as well as for training the arms and chest muscles.
Reverse floats.
This type of push-up can be applied in the training program outside if you have a bar/support object suitable around you. This exercise is used to train the triceps or abdomen but can of course also be used as a weight-loss exercise. You can vary the angle of the hands by removing the legs to change the degree of difficulty.
Lifting the torso.
This is an easy exercise to train your abdominal muscles and make your stomach tense.
To do this exercise you need to lie on your back on a fitness mat, your knees stand up, and stick together.
Lifting is done by tightening the abs while the hands are on the chest. For maximum efficiency, you need to do this exercise at speed.
The best weight loss exercises.
In order to lose weight effectively, you need exercises that will burn calories more effectively. These usually require more muscle groups and have a much higher tempo. If you want to lose weight effectively, you should use cardio in particular.
If I chose one exercise for weight loss and toning then it would be a burpee. It involves a large group of muscles and is the perfect exercise for burning calories.
It can be in several variations that include primary exercises: jumping, kneeling, floating, or adding additional elements such as the climber's exercise.

Easy running.
Running is one of the best weight loss exercises of all time. If you are already outside and the place where you will do the training is some distance from you, you can choose to do the warm-up by running easily. Of course, this will not replace the basic warm-up that must be emphasized on the joints and muscles that you are going to train.
Running should be in a light tempo that would allow you to talk to someone in parallel. Not much energy should be consumed at this stage.
If you want to apply this weight loss exercise, then you need to run 5 km or more every day. If you have less time you can do training based on small but intensive sprints. For example 100 m at speed.
I recommend that at the end of the training you do 2-3 sprints at maximum speed so you will burn a lot of calories and you will train your body much more efficiently.
The climber or "mountain climbers".
This is a very slimming exercise. It trains especially the abdominal muscles, it can be used in the training program outside, at home or at the gym. It can be performed in various variations to increase the complexity of the exercise or to accentuate certain categories of muscles.
When doing the climber's exercise we must take into account the execution technique: the position of the palms must be under the shoulders + the grouping of the pelvis together with the legs. Also during the exercise, the knee should be facing the chest, at an angle of at least 90 degrees.
Climbing is a perfect exercise for losing belly weight. Even if it is difficult for you to do this exercise, you have to make an effort if you want results.
The number of repetitions in a series depends on your current level. I am free to exceed a series of 100 (50 + 50 on both legs). After 100 - 120 repetitions they reach the point of growth.
If you are looking for the perfect weight loss exercise, the climber is one of them. It trains not only the abdominals but also the muscles of the legs and back.

Traction is a difficult exercise to perform but effective in many ways.
If you are on a sports field outside, do not exclude tractions from the training program. In case you don't have a fixed bar, you can find other support elements around it, such as the branches of a tree.
The high popularity of this exercise is primarily due to the fact that it not only contributes to the development of muscle strength and endurance, improves external fitness, but also strengthens the ligaments, having a beneficial effect on the spine.
Pull pulls can be used successfully as weight loss exercises because they require a lot of physical energy to perform.

Jumping is a perfect exercise for leg training and an effective way to burn calories and lose weight.
There are several types of jumps that you can do to work out effectively or even in the gym.
You can do simple high jumps, long jumps, or even knee jumps.
You can combine knee bends + jumping or jumping with 360-degree rotation for advanced.
There are several variations that help you get tired of your legs quickly and burn to the last remaining calorie.
If you want to use jumping as a weight loss exercise then my recommendation would be to use a skipping rope. This way you will be able to keep a tempo that will motivate you and help you make more jumps.
Also, don't forget to do knee-high jumps. I'm super exercising to lose weight.
If you want an enviable abdomen then plank is for you. This is a static weight loss exercise that is performed on time. It helps to burn fat and stimulate the growth of abdominal muscles. Practice this exercise in 3-4 sets of 60-90 seconds each if you want superior results.

As you can see, there are no magic exercises to lose weight. The main secret is in proper nutrition followed by the training part. This does not mean that one can exist without the other.
If you want to lose weight, you have to work out the right nutrition and then adopt a special training program for you.
Another important component is sleep and mental health. If you apply all these components then your results will be 2 or 3 times better in a short time.