One of the big concerns for pregnant women or women who have just given birth is whether they will be able to regain their figure and lose their tummy once the baby is born. Several factors influence the process of losing the weight gained during pregnancy, from the type of diet that is taken to recovery after childbirth, the exercise that is carried out and even genetics. So how you lose your belly after giving birth will depend a lot on your lifestyle. Of course, nothing is impossible.

Can you lose your belly after childbirth and regain your figure?
Before giving birth, many moms worry about how their body will look after having the baby, especially about how to lose their tummy and regain their figure. Some women even think that it is impossible to be like before giving birth, but it is not like that. The figure can be recovered with effort and perseverance, although it should be noted that it is true that many factors influence this process and some are unavoidable.
It is advisable to promote a good recovery phase after giving birth to be able to return to the same figure as before giving birth. To help you with this, in the following sections we explain how to achieve it with simple techniques.
How to lose your belly after pregnancy?
Losing your belly after pregnancy may seem like a long and complex process, but nothing could be further from the truth. You simply need to follow certain guidelines. With these methods you will see that, little by little, you return to having the body of before. So what guidelines are necessary to lose your belly?
Have a good diet: eating a healthy diet will help you lose your belly after childbirth and all those extra kilos that you have gained during pregnancy. But remember that it is advisable not to follow a hypocaloric diet but rather a healthy and balanced diet.

Exercise: exercise is essential to regain your figure, since not only will you want to lose those extra kilos, you will also want everything to return to its place and for this you will need to do toning exercises. Also, you can take your exercise sessions as your time of day.

Breastfeeding: breastfeeding will help you regain your pre-pregnancy weight.
Diet to improve recovery after childbirth
Food plays a fundamental role in recovery after childbirth, both in terms of health and to lose the pregnant belly. Now, what foods should you eat to have a healthy diet after childbirth?
Our recommendation is that you eat a Mediterranean diet based on fruits and vegetables, especially. Add fish like white, lean meats like chicken or turkey, and foods with healthy fats like avocado. Of course, the latter always in moderation.
Likewise, opt for vegetable soups and creams in winter and light salads in summer. Control carbohydrates and avoid anything that is battered or has a lot of calories, such as fried foods. In the case of bread, always opt for whole wheat.
Exercises to lose a pregnant belly
Although it is difficult to lose localized fat because when we exercise we lose fat from the whole body, it is true that it is important to pay some attention to the abdominal area. In these cases, we recommend moderate exercises that tone the area very well, such as the abdominals.

On the other hand, it is increasingly common for mothers who have given birth to request the help of personal trainers to perform the most effective exercises, since these professionals study each case and establish a totally personalized work plan.
Tips and techniques for losing your belly after childbirth
In addition to eating a good diet and doing moderate exercise, to lose your belly after childbirth you also need to rest. When we are sleeping, the body is recovering, so it is essential to respect the hours of sleep as much as possible.
On the other hand, drinking water frequently is essential to help the body cleanse itself and combat fluid retention.
Breastfeeding the baby to lose the belly after pregnancy
In addition to the above, such as exercising or following a healthy diet, it is important to know that breastfeeding after delivery helps you regain your pre-pregnancy weight. But not only that, it also helps prevent postpartum hemorrhages in mothers. So, if you can, try to breastfeed your baby until at least 6 months of age, which is what the WHO recommends.
How long does it take for the belly to disappear after delivery?
The time it takes every woman to lose her belly after giving birth is different. It will depend on how much you have gained; how much you lose right after giving birth and your genetics. Even so, in general, it usually takes several months to return to the initial figure, so do not despair!